Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bucket Fillers

We are still continuing our work on Bucket Filling. Each day we write in our bucket journal to close out our day and reflect on the job we have done helping others throughout our day. We also reflect on our own feelings. This has helped us become more aware of being kind to others as well what we ourselves need to feel good about our day.
If you would like to read the book yourself here are a few titles we have used in class: (I linked them to the Barnes and Noble Site so you would be able to look up more information if you wished)

Have You Filled A Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud

How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath

Lets get this Blog started...

Okay so it is time to get this blog up and really running. Thank you for your patience while I get your kids settled into second grade (as well as get myself settled in). I am really enjoying your kids- they are such a smart and fun group.
Over the next week or I hope to:
Update pictures on the blog,
Give you updated information on our classroom activities,
Give you more resources for extended learning activities in all subject areas,
and give you a chance to have open discussions with myself and the other parents on the blog.